Week Eight: Thevenin's Theorem in AC Circuits

Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

  • Thévenin’s theorem, as stated for sinusoidal AC circuits, is changed only to include the term impedance instead of resistance.
  •  Any two-terminal linear ac network can be replaced with an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and an impedance in series.
  • VTh is the Open circuit voltage between the terminals a-b.
  •  ZTh is the impedance seen from the terminals when the independent sources are set to zero.

Ex.1  Thevenin Equivalent At terminals a-b

Watch a Video using Thevenin's Theorem!

    The process used in AC analysis is the same with DC analysis. 

Week Seven: Source Transformation on AC Ciruits

Source Transformation

  • Transform a voltage source in series with an impedance to a current source in parallel with an impedance for simplification or vice versa.

Ex.1 Practice Problem 10.4: Calculate the current Io

If we transform the current source to a voltage source, we obtain the circuit shown in Fig. (a).
By current division,

Watch Another Example of Source Transformation.

   In AC analysis, we applied the same principles used in  source transformation from DC analysis. 

Week Six: Superposition Theorem on AC Circuits

  • A technique called "Superposition" is used to solve for current flow through, and the voltage drop across, any impedance in a multiple source circuit.
Follow these steps:
  1. Replace all but one of the voltage sources with a "short". Current sources are replaced with an "open". (All sources must have the same frequency.)
  2. Solve for the current or voltage flowing through each impedance.
  3. Select the next source and repeat until all sources have been used.
  4. Add all the currents or voltages for each impedance and label the original circuit.
Problem Example:

Please Watch:This video will provide you a further understanding of Superposition Theorem.

   The method used for using superposition theorem in AC circuits is still the same with DC circuits. The difference is that values may be given in complex or phasor form and sources are sometimes shown in different frequencies which requires you to convert them.
