Week Nine: Linearity and Superposition


     -is the property of an element describing a linear relationship between cause and effect.

  • The property is a combination of homogeneity(scaling) property and the additivity property.
The homogeneity property requires that if the input (also called the excitation) is multiplied by a constant, then the output (also called the response) is multiplied by the same constant
                          if v = iR ⇒ kv = kiR

The additivity property requires that the response to a sum of inputs is the sum of the responses to each input applied separately
     v1 = i1R, v2 = i2R ⇒ v = (i1 + i2)R = v1 + v2
  • We say that a resistor is a linear element because the voltage-current relationship satisfies both the homogeneity and the additivity properties.

  • A linear circuit is one whose output is linearly related (or directly proportional) to its input.
        -The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.

To apply the superposition principle, we must keep two things in mind:

1. We consider one independent source at a time while all other independent sources are turned off. This implies that we replace every voltage source by 0 V (or a short circuit), and every current source by 0 A (or an open circuit). This way we obtain a simpler and more manageable circuit

2. Dependent sources are left intact because they are controlled by circuit variables.

Steps to Apply Superposition Principle:

1. Turn off all independent sources except one source. Find the output (voltage or current) due to that active source using nodal or mesh analysis

2. Repeat step 1 for each of the other independent sources

3. Find the total contribution by adding algebraically all the contributions due to the independent sources.

Watch a Video using Superposition principle!

      The advantage of superposition is that the circuit can be analyzed with one power source at a time. This will simplify the circuit making the analysis easier. The disadvantage is there is a chance for making an algebraic mistake if we do not keep the same current reference direction each time.

Week Eight : Source Transformation

What is Source Transformation?

         - is simplifying a circuit solution, especially with mixed sources, by transforming a voltage into a current source, and transforming a current into a voltage source.


              Fig.2 Symbols of Different Sources

Watch a Video on How to Convert Sources from Voltage to Current and Vice Versa! 

      By using the method of source transformation, I find it more convenient to determine the values of unknowns. By converting them, you may add or subtract the sources depending on their polarities.

Week Seven: Techniques in Analyzing Circuit Part II

Mesh Analysis

      -One easier method of solving the above circuit is by using Mesh Current Analysis or Loop Analysis which is also sometimes called Maxwell´s Circulating Currents method. Instead of labelling the branch currents we need to label each “closed loop” with a circulating current.

What is Mesh?
- is a loop that does not enclose other loops.                 

What is a Supermesh?
- when two meshes have a(dependent or independent) current source in common


Cases to be considered for Mesh Analysis:

Case 1:
       - A current source exists only in a one mesh

Case 2:
       - A current source exists between two meshes

Steps in Using Mesh Analysis:

1. Check if circuit is planar.

2. Identify meshes, mesh currents, and supermeshes.

a) Rearrange the circuit if possible to position current source on a single mesh.

b) Use i-v characteristic equations of ICS to find mesh currents and reduce the number of unknowns.

3. Write KVL at each mesh and supermesh.

4. Solve for mesh currents.

5. Calculate problem unknowns from mesh currents. If you need to calculate the voltage across a current source you may have to write KVL around a mesh containing the current source.

6. For consistency and elimination of errors, always markall mesh currents in clockwise direction and write down KVLs in the same direction.

Comparison of Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis:
    - Examination of the circuit can also tell us which of the two methods are best suited for the circuit in hand. We always want to reduce the circuit equations into the smallest number of equations in the smallest number of unknowns. The number  of equations from nodal analysis and mesh analysis are given:

            NNV = Nnode − 1 − NVS
            NMC = Nmesh − NCS

where NV S and NCS are numbers of voltage and current sources, respectively. Thus, always inspect the circuit, find NVS and NCS, and proceed with the method that results in the smallest number of equations to solve.

Note: You need to check to ensure that the circuit is a planar circuit. If it is not one cannot use mesh analysis and should use nodal analysis.

     Watch a Video Using Mesh Analysis!

        We have now finished discussing the two types of techniques in analyzing a circuit. For me, mesh analysis is more easier than nodal analysis. It may also depend on the person which method is convenient for him/her to use.

Week Six: Wye to Delta Transformation/ Delta to Wye Transformation

Why Do We Need to Use Wye to Delta/Delta to Wye Transformations?

        -It is because situations often arise in circuit analysis when the resistors are neither parallel or series. See the picture below for example.


 3 Terminal Arrangements Commonly Used in Power System

    Watch Video for Further Understanding!


                 Through this process, I was able combine resistors without worrying. I always thought that resistors can be given immediately as series or parallel. But as we pursue this subject, we have encounter more complex problems that requires you to transform the resistors connected neither in parallel or series into delta-to-wye or wye-to-delta depending on how they connected given in a diagram.
